參賽簡介&徵選辦法-TINTA 金邸獎空間美學新秀設計師大賽




Objective /

The TINTA Award, Taiwan Interior New Talent Award, was founded in 2011 by My Home under the belief that design has the power to change the world. It is an award for young interior designers in Asia under the age of 40 years old (inclusive).
TINTA seeks to find new designers, introduce new designs, and promote new creativities through competition. Starting in 2022, the TINTA Award will develop a deeper connection with young designers through long-term service for member designers. Young designers of the new generation will provide innovative space experience through unique communication methods, novel designing strategies, and by solving problems from the beginning.

Eligibility /

Definition of a Group: A group with more than 2 participants (inclusive) and fewer than 10 (inclusive). Each participant should be qualified as interior designers under the age of 40 years old (inclusive).

CompetitionProcess /

  1. Early Bird Period: From January 2, 2025, to February 16, 2025 (ending at 23:59)
  2. Regular Registration Period: From February 17, 2025, to March 20, 2025 (ending at 23:59)
  3. Extended Registration Period: From March 21, 2025, to March 31, 2025 (ending at 23:59)
  4. Entrants who are eligible for Presentation Meeting would announced on the official website in May 2025.
  5. Ppresentation Meeting: June 2025
  6. Announcement of Annual Winners: August 2025
  7. Annual Awards Ceremony: September or October 2025
  8. *Please refer to the TINTA website for any change concerning the abovementioned schedule.
  9. *The shortlist and the winners' list are the final results , the latest announcement on the TINTA's official website shall prevail.

Categories /

Note 1: The above entries may not be submitted twice in one draft, except for furnishings, innovative space and sustainable space projects.

Note 2: Entries for temporary exhibition Spaces are not accepted.

Registration Procedure /

Online Submission Work Specifications /

In addition to basic text, the photos of the submitted work should follow the following specifications:

Registration Fee /

The registration fee covers participation in the annual TINTA Award, later delivery of the winner’s prize, the rights to join in award forums for free, monthly newsletter for international creativity awards, and other services.

Registration Fees:

Early Bird Registration: NT$3,200 (Chinese Yuan ¥750) per entry.

Regular Registration: NT$4,500 (Chinese Yuan ¥1,100) per entry.

Extended Registration : NT$6,000 (Chinese Yuan ¥1,500) per entry.

Each item of work is charged separately. Please pay for the early bird discount registration fee before 23:59, February 16, 2025.

For more information and further cooperation /

Notices /
